Inspired by Lives and Letters

As artists we are always looking for inspiration. Rather than just wait in hopes of a muse, I often go looking! One of my sources for inspiration has been in the lives as revealed in the letters of my favorite poets and authors, and in this class I would like to share some of my approaches  with you.


I am so thrilled that you have decided to join me in this adventure!

I have tried to make this experience as participatory as possible. You can begin right now by collecting fragments from the lives and letters of your favorite poets and authors. Collect personal letters that you have kept because you found them so meaningful, and images that connect you to your past.

As the classes unfold, my hope is that we can share these with each other and inspire ourselves and our artwork.

I can’t wait to get started!

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email me. And thank you!
