Class Description

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“Collage is the twentieth century’s greatest innovation.”
— Robert Motherwell
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Join Carla Sonheim, Lynn Whipple, and Anne Marie Grgich for this year-long celebration of collage! It’s fast, it’s intuitive, it’s fun, and it’s a great way to hone your design skills and create a wonderful body of mixed-media art.
Learn a variety of different techniques from three distinct perspectives on art and mixed media. Presented in three sessions:
Session 1: Carla
Sketchbook Collages, Moon Paper Transparency Collages,
Paper Grids, Abstract Gardens, My-House Dollhouse, and more.
Session 2: Lynn
Color Collages, Design Prompts (with a Side of Play),
Sky Things, Indoor Things, Kitchen Sink Collages, Going Bigger, and more.
Session 3: Anne
Collecting as Meditation, Voluptuous Vessels,
Abstract Accordion Landscape Collages, Faces, and more!
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Class Itinerary
Session 1 with Carla – Class Itinerary
Lesson 1 – Two Sketchbook Exercises; Finding Your Preferences
Lesson 2 – Moon Paper Transparency Collages
Lesson 3 – Adding People
Lesson 4 – Adding Animals
Lesson 5 – My House Dollhouse
Lesson 6 – Going Big!
Session 2 with Lynn – Class Itinerary
Lesson 1 – Value Mosaic
Lesson 2 – Color Wheel Portraits
Lesson 3 – Shaking the Snow Globe!
Lesson 4 – Windows and Cut Outs
Lesson 5 – Simplicity and the Potted Plant
Lesson 6 – Final Collage!
Session 3 with Anne – Class Itinerary
Lesson 1 – Collect, Sort and Begin
Lesson 2 – Accordian Book/Working the Vessels
Lesson 3 – Transparencies and More
Lesson 4 – Take Stock and More Layers!
Lesson 5 – Working Towards Near Completion
Lesson 6 – To the Finish Line
Original video:
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Some Anne Artwork

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Some Lynn Artwork

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Some Carla Artwork

Like all of our classes, the learning always goes in both directions, and the community and things we learn from everyone out there are what make the whole experience special. We hope you can join us!
Carla, Lynn, Anne
Carla Sonheim is a painter, illustrator, and creativity workshop instructor known for her fun and innovative projects and techniques designed to help adult students rediscover a more spontaneous, playful approach to creating.
She started teaching art in her sons’ elementary school classrooms as a volunteer, and then taught adults at mixed-media art events for about five years. She is the author of three instructional art books, including Drawing Lab for Mixed Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun; Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals: A Mixed-Media Workshop and The Art of Silliness: A Creativity Book for Everyone. In 2013 she co-authored Creative Photography Lab with her husband, Steve.
Lynn Whipple writes, “I am deeply grateful to live my life as an artist. Play and discovery are my dearest and most constant companions. There are a zillion tiny challenges in each art making experience, and so often I find, just as many small, sweet victories. Without a doubt, living creatively is the most enjoyable and satisfying game I know.”
Lynn shares a warehouse studio with her husband, John Whipple, in Winter Park, Florida. Lynn’s work includes “Big Bold Bloom paintings,” found-object mixed-media assemblages; found images altered with a combination of drawing, painting, sewing and more; and her well-known Ninny Boxes, collages combined with found objects, and assembled within a box format. Her unique pieces have a playful, quirky, charm.
Lynn’s work has been exhibited extensively throughout the United States and her new book, Expressive Flower Painting, was published July 2017.
Born in Portland, Oregon in 1961, Anne Marie Grgich began making spontaneous art at the age of 15, mostly junk constructions and clandestine paintings in her family’s books. She first introduced collage into her work around 1988, but took it to a higher level in 1997 during a period of illness. After her recovery she began to produce collage paintings – images of people encountered over time in the street and in mind journeys that manifest themselves and recombine, according to her mood, in the process of creation. Over the past 30 years, Anne has been featured in numerous publications and exhibitions, and her books and paintings are in public and private collections worldwide.
Anne was mentioned in The New York Times in January 2018 and is exclusively exhibiting her prolific work with ZQ Art Gallery in NYC and New Jersey City (visit their site in April when they hold a huge international auction of her work!). Anne lives with her sweetheart and collaborator Steve Fisk, Seattle record producer. Together they create and support each other and live in Tacoma, WA.
Please note! All supplies are suggestions and most can be substituted with materials you have on hand.
General supplies for all three classes:
– Found paper such as old letters, ledgers, books; scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, hand-painted paper, imagery from books, magazines, old calendars, etc.
– glue stick
– matte medium
– scissors and/or exacto knife
– a selection of pencils and pens; various markers and oil pastels (what you have is fine)
– watercolors and acrylic paints
– brushes
Specific for Carla’s Class:
All of the above, and
– a sketchbook with stiff paper
– transparency film
– Gelli® plate
– brayer
Specific for Lynn’s class:
All of the above, and
– One pack of Japanese 6″x6″ patterned Origami paper
– Colored card stock or heavy paper, choose colors that appeal to you.
– Water soluble graphite
– Black ink
– 2-3 colors of embroidery thread and needle
Specific for Anne’s class:
All of the above, and
– Peel-off double-stick tape
– Packaging Tape or Duct Tape; patterned tape
– Thrift-store vases or home goods.
– Transparency Paper
– Bonefold-for burnishing
Nuts & Bolts
– This class is now available for instant access.
– A private Facebook group will be available for you to (optionally) share your artwork and enjoy and learn from the artwork of others. You may also email your teacher directly with questions or feedback.
– You will have indefinite access to this class.