Mixed-Media Painting with Lewis Rossignol

Class Includes Lifetime Access, Online Community, 6 Video Lessons & More!

6 Lessons – $72.00

This will be our 4th class with Lewis and he is definitely one of our most popular teachers. In this class he brings his freedom, imagination and wonderfully unique style to some larger, colorful acrylic paintings. He makes it look easy because it is!

Join the community now at your own pace.

TEACHER: Lewis Rossignol

Class Description

Mixed-Media Painting with Lewis Rossignol
6 Lessons

Recently I have begun making larger, more colorful paintings and in this class we will work with vivid colorful mediums that lend themselves really well to working fast and loose. We’ll allow ourselves to make mistakes, maybe even making them on purpose so that we can practice trusting the process. We will just let the ideas loose and see where they lead with a focus on creating interesting texture, variety and composition.

I hope you can join me!



Class Itinerary

The lessons are available to you instantly upon signup.

Lesson 1
For this lesson I will introduce the tools we’ll be working with throughout the class. Then we will start two smaller drawings that will help us get familiar with the tools for the bigger pieces later. These drawings will be very child-like so we won’t be using any reference photos. I’ll show you how I use paint markers to create nice textured backgrounds to work on. After this we will begin our drawings by drawing the main subjects only.

Lesson 2
In this lesson we’ll be moving back and forth between the two smaller drawings to finish them. You’ll see why it’s good to have at least two drawings going at a time as the mediums can take a little time to dry. I’ll demonstrate how I let the drawing come together by making quick decisions, not overly fussing as these mediums make it very easy to make changes as you see fit. We’ll also work a little bit with shading, and color.

Lesson 3
Today we are starting our two larger drawings that will make a nice set. We’ll start by creating two different colored backgrounds full of texture and slight color variants. Then we will begin the line work for the grid drawing. I’ll demonstrate how I like to use a few different colors for the line work for variety. I will also let you know how lists can be helpful in this type of work to help keep you moving quickly once you begin. Finally we’ll talk about how using flux and obliteration is a much more realistic way to work then what you may be used to.

Lesson 4
For this lesson we are going to line out our “chaotic drawing” to get it to the same level as the grid. I will demonstrate how I choose where to place things, and the importance of varying your size and spacing within your composition. After this we’ll get to start using more color within our grid with our paint markers. I’ll show you a few different ways to make your line drawing stand out from the background using different levels of contrast to make sure your focal point isn’t lost.

Lesson 5
As our pieces start coming together we’ll continue adding color to both of our pieces. I’ll demonstrate what I do with areas that aren’t working for me, and how to trust your gut. We’ll also totally cover parts of our drawing in order to improve the overall composition. You’ll see how I follow my intuition when drawing, and hopefully learn to trust your own.

Lesson 6
We are going to finish our two large pieces today. I will show you how I use areas of black and white to up the overall contrast and composition. Then we’ll add some collage elements to our pieces. I’ll also demonstrate how I use crayons and woodie pencils to add more color and texture to my work and finish the composition. Finally we’ll give our pieces a nice unifying feel with some gloss medium.


For a full list of the supplies you will need, see the tab titled “Supplies” located just under the video screen above.



Supply List


Note: These are the supplies Lewis will demonstrate with, but you are free to substitute these with those you already have on hand if you wish!

Set of Extra Large Paint Markers Note: Any large paint markers will work!

Set of Extra Fine Paint Markers

Gloss Medium

• 14″x11″ Mixed Medium Paper

Transparent Shading Grey Paint

• Small to Medium Paintbrush (whatever you already have is fine)


Non-Essential Supplies

I will also be using graphite pencils, water soluble crayons, and woodie pencils. You can use literally any water soluble mediums you like in the later stages of these drawings. But I’ve included links below to the ones I’m using:

• Caran D’Ache Neocolor II

Stabilo Woody


Also, below are some other Posca Colors that are handy, but not essential, that aren’t in the large set. If you do get any of them I would shoot for the pc5m or pc8k sizes.

Light green
Coral pink

About the Teacher

Lewis Rossignol

Lewis Rossignol is a visual artist and adjunct illustration professor at the Maine College of Art and Design. He works in all kinds of mediums for clients including Tyler the Creator, Drew Taggert, HBO, Frankie Muniz, and Johnny Colt of the Black Crowes and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Website: www.lewisrossignolart.com
Instagram: @lewisrossignol

Nuts & Bolts

– This class is now a self study and you can work the lessons on your own time schedule.

– A private Facebook group and a Padlet group (for those not on FB) will be available for you to (optionally) share your artwork and enjoy and learn from the artwork of others. You may also email your teacher directly with questions or feedback.

– You will have indefinite access to the class videos and materials.