Class Description

Hi. I’m Anita!
Three of the things I love about printmaking are the “ah-ha” moment of surprise, the unique look of a print and the way you can make multiple versions of a design. Printmaking is so fun, easy and accessible… and in this class—the second in my Creative Printmaking series— we will discover dry point etching and collagraph. And all by HAND (no printing press required!).
With drypoint, we will explore delicate and beautiful LINE by etching into plexiglass plates with either hand tools or a dremel. This physical process of etching the plates is surprisingly addictive and fun, and we will create several prints atop our colorful monotyped bases.
Then we will work with TEXTURE & SHAPE and make collographs! This mixed-media process lets us investigate shape, color and reinforce our design concepts and work on multiple prints.
Finally, we have our arsenal of 6-10 dryprint and collograph prints, we will then assess each and finish the works with pastel, ink and collage. Practicing the subtractive and additive process will give us never ending discoveries.
Printmaking is trial and error in the very best way, with so many happy surprises… please join us for round two where we roll, wipe, scribe, dab + design!
Add my first class: Creative Printmaking to your cart and get it at 35% off.
P.S Scholarships are available. Click HERE.
Samples of prints made by the techniques shown in this class:
Drypoint Etching:


Class Itinerary
Videos are pre-recorded and will release on the following schedule:
Week 1
Lesson 1 – Tuesday, October 17
Lesson 2 – Wednesday, October 18
Lesson 3 – Thursday, October 20
Week 2
Lesson 4 – Tuesday, October 24
Lesson 5 – Wednesday, October 25
Lesson 6 – Friday, October 27
Lesson 1: Six Base Monotypes
In this first lesson we will review monotype printing skills and create at least six base monotype prints that we will use as starts for the rest of the class.
Lesson 2: Dry Point Plate Preparation
Get out your sharp instruments and create one or more drypoint plates. I will demonstrate with hand tools, Dremel, and sandpaper on plexiglass.
Lesson 3: Printing our Dry Point Plates
Today we will learn how to properly ink our plates and make our first series of prints!

Lesson 4: Collograph Plate Preparation
We will get out the gloss medium and create Collagraph plates today.
Lesson 5: Printing our Collgraph Plates
Today we will learn how to properly ink our plates and make our second series of prints!
Lesson 6: Evaluation and Finishing Touches
Evaluation + Finishing touches: Pastel, Collage + Trace Monotype Additions

This is Anita’s preferred setup, but you can benefit from the class without these exact items. Please email Anita directly at [email protected] if you have any questions about supplies!
Here is a video from Creative Printmaking 1 going over the general supplies you will need… scroll to bottom for additional supplies needed for this second class!
Creative Printmaking Supplies (links are supplied fyi):
• 1 soft 4” brayer
• 1 package Akua plates 6”x 8″: 3/pack
• 1 glass mix palette (this or this)
• 2oz inks in Black, Red, Blue, Yellow: AKUA Inks
• 1 jar Transparent Base: AKUA Inks
• 1 White etching ink: Charbonnel Aqua wash etching ink: Snow White Tinanium (tube)
• 1 putty knife
• Baby wipes
• Evolon paper (15 sheets in pack) (Recommended, but you can also use printmaking paper of your choice… here and here are options.)
• Spray bottle for water for paper spritzing
• Medium/Large Metal Spoon +/or medium/large wooden spoon
• Newsprint +/or newspaper for blotting, stenciling
• Sketchbook for ideas/notes
• Artist’s Masking Tape or Post-It Tape
• Bath towel, not too much texture
• Combs and Sticks, various mark making tools
• Soft pastels, charcoal
Optional Materials
• A few small plastic palette knives or plastic knives
• Cheese cloth or soft wiping fabric
• Tarleton
• Q-tips, brushes of any kind, plastic or soft marking tools
• Gloves
• Extra plexiglass or glass to organize your workspace for inks, rollout, etc.
• Graph paper for underside of printing plate for registration
• Framing L’s
Additional Supplies for Creative Printmaking 2:
• Evolon paper (15 sheets in pack) (Recommended, but you can also use printmaking paper of your choice… here and here are options.)
• some plexiglass plates to etch into
• an etching needle but if you don’t have that, other sharp metal pointed tools are great.
• You can use a DREMEL for line variety. (optional)
• Cardboard, mat board or extra plexiglass for collograph plates. Any thickness of cardboard will work, as long as it can absorb the glue and what you attach to it.
• AKUA Wiping Cloth
• Sandpaper
• gloss medium and/or glue stick
• Akua Mag Mix:
Anita Lehmann is a registered architect in the state of Washington. She is also a teacher and an artist. After receiving training at the University of Washington, she taught freehand drawing in Rome and in Seattle, and currently offers small group classes in drawing and painting. Her other skills include architectural design, graphic design, community planning and design illustration. Using figures as disparate as bugs and urban monuments, Anita has designed several series of alphabets, which have been acquired by the Smithsonian Institution. Prior to receiving the 2013 NAIUSI fellowship, Anita was a graduate student at the University of Washington Rome Center, in Rome, Italy in 1985. See more of her work at
Nuts & Bolts
– Private Facebook and Padlet groups will be available for you to (optionally) share your work and receive comments from the instructor and fellow students.
– You will have forever access to this class.